In the year 2025, huge beasts from beyond the galaxy attacked Earth. In the war that followed, humanity fought back with a giant robot named Yukio, piloted by Tetsuo Yabusame, As the massive alien swarm closed in on humanity’s homeworld, Tetsuo and the Earth Defense Force deployed for the final battle with the invading horde. They lost…
Femlar, a man-eating kaiju controlled by Nadare, attacks Mishima Mall just before the survivors relocate. A misunderstanding between Tetsuo and Yukio has led to Nayuta piloting a damaged Yukio instead of Tetsuo. Along with Ao and Land of Men, they engage Femlar, but the childlike kaiju may be too much for them to handle. When all seems to be lost, a strange, beckoning cat may be the key to unlocking Yukio’s final form, but at what price?
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