It’s Just Not My Night! – Tale of a Fallen Vampire Queen Manga


In this sexy comedy, a feisty vampire queen is stuck in our world and brought low by the most terrifying prospect of all: a part-time job!

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Back of the Book

Powerful, world-conquering vampiress Manamir is on the verge of world conquest, but when a teleportation spell goes awry, she finds herself stranded on Earth. Not only has she been flung into a world that’s not her own, she has lost the very power that defines a vampire: the ability to drink human blood! Unable to steal energy from others, Manamir has to make ends meet somehow, which is why she ends up working part-time at a convenience store, selling smokes to bikers while trying to grasp the subtleties of Earth life. Maybe she’d make more money selling her panties…

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

Trade Paperback


Seven Seas


Ghost Ship


01, 02, 03


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