In a postapocalyptic world, humanity has risen from the ashes of all-out nuclear war to a nightmare of endless suffering. It is a time of chaos. Warlords and gangs of savage marauders rule the broken ruins of civilization, terrorizing and enslaving the survivors. Life has become a brutal struggle for existence and death the only release.
Kenshiro and Ryu have reached the land of Sava, a kingdom nestled in a mountain valley. But Sava is under attack from barbarians, and even worse, its royal family is weakened by internal strife. King Asam is ill and dying, and his three sons now squabble for the throne. Kenshiro might be able to knock some sense into the competing brothers, but he’d better do it quickly. Something strange has happened in the neighboring kingdom of Blanca, and Sava has more to worry about than just the barbarians!
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