In Arboral Year 1294, the world is dominated by nine massive towers known as the Spires, remnants of an ancient civilization. Filled with lost secrets and powerful knowledge, nations struggle to possess them. Luca is a bugler in a mercenary company who wants nothing more than to leave the battlefield behind and become a true musician, a maestro. But marked as one of the enigmatic Branch-hexed, and gifted with the strange ability to see the sound of his instrument, Luca finds himself drawn reluctantly into a war of epic proportions!
Luca has become a member of His Holiness the Pontiff’s team of Branch-hexed, and the time has come for his first real campaign. A fort on the border of the Holy Realm is under siege by the forces of the Garland, and it’s up to Luca and his newfound compatriots to defend it. The powers of the Branch-hexed make them unstoppable when faced by regular troops, but the forces arrayed against them have their own Branch-hexed in service. Luca now faces his first real test of his abilities against fierce opposition.
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