In medieval Japan, eight-year-old Hojo Tokiyuki is the heir to the Kamakura shogunate. But the Hojo clan is in decline, and Tokiyuki’s peaceful days of playing hide-and-seek with his teachers come to an abrupt end when his clan is betrayed from within. The lone survivor of his family, Tokiyuki is the rightful heir to the throne, but to take it back, he’ll have to do what he does best—run away!
Tokiyuki has emerged from hiding and joined forces with Kitabatake Akiie. He has also sworn allegiance to Go-Daigo’s southern court in order to seek revenge upon Ashikaga Takauji. With Akiie’s rowdy troops in the vanguard, Tokiyuki is chosen to lead the attack and attempt to seize Kamakura once again. But the pass is guarded by a former member of the Kanto Hisashiban, and breaking through will force Tokiyuki to risk his life in a one-on-one duel to the death!
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