Tales of the Kingdom Vol. 1


Tales of the Kingdom is an ongoing manga series by Asumiko Nakamura, the prolific creator known for the Eisner Award-nominated Utsubora: The Story of a Novelist.

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SKU: 9781975345860 Category:


Back of the Book

Purple-eyed Adarte, blue-eyed Adolte. One enveloped in light—the graceful son—and one shrouded in darkness—the prisoner. Even as their souls are drawn together, destiny would tear them apart. Elsewhere in the kingdom, a heroic king is served by an enigmatic aide from a faraway land. His path has torn him from his dearest kin and placed him in the halls of power—to what end…?

The first of Asumiko Nakamura’s beautifully wrought tales set in a fantastic kingdom of intrigue and heartache…


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